“Telehealth refers to a broad variety of technologies and tactics to deliver virtual medical, health, and education services. Telehealth is not a specific service, but a collection of means to enhance care and education delivery.

Teledentistry refers to the use of telehealth systems and methodologies in dentistry.” ADA

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More Telehealth Services from Dr. Susan Mazzei, DDS

Oral Systemic Health

Oral systemic health is the connection between oral health and overall health. Countless studies have demonstrated a link between poor oral health and systemic disease such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, dementia, rheumatoid arthritis, and even pregnancy complications.

Oral conditions have an impact on overall health and disease. Bacteria from the mouth can cause infection in other parts of the body when the immune system has been compromised by disease or medical treatments (e.g., infective endocarditis). … Periodontal disease has been associated with a number of systemic conditions.

The Common Risk Factor Approach

Traditionally, oral health promotion has focused on the care of the teeth and gums, in isolation from other health programs.

The Common Risk Factor Approach (CRFA) to health promotion takes a broader perspective and targets risk factors common to many chronic conditions and their underlying social determinants

The key concept of this approach is that concerted action against common health risks and their underlying social determinants will achieve improvements in a range of chronic health conditions more effectively and efficiently than isolated, disease-specific approaches. Adoption of a common risk factor approach is more resource-efficient than a targeted disease-specific approach because:

  • most chronic diseases have multiple risk factors
  • one risk factor can impact on several diseases
  • some risk factors cluster in groups of people
  • risk factors can interact – in some instances synergistically – with each other.

The common risk factor approach provides a rationale for developing multi-sectoral healthy alliances between health professionals, statutory, voluntary and commercial bodies and the general public. It recognizes that engendering lasting changes in individual “lifestyle” behaviors requires supportive social, economic and political environments.

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